Recreational Releases
Flow Schedule
During the summer recreation season, PCWA releases flow for whitewater boating. The whitewater release schedule varies from year to year based on water year type, but generally runs from Memorial Day weekend through September. Releases are made from Oxbow Powerhouse and, during wetter years, Oxbow usually runs for more hours than is required. PCWA provides a preliminary Oxbow Powerhouse day-head schedule that is intended to allow visitors to plan their outings.
2024 Recreational Release Schedule
The Oxbow Powerhouse day-ahead schedule can be found here.
Real Time Flows
The Water Year Type is a designation used to determine stream flows for water projects everywhere in California including the Middle Fork Project. Check out the 2024 whitewater boating water release schedule on:
Hydro Release Travel Times
This matrix assumes a base flow of 200 cfs (cubic feet per second) at Oxbow Powerhouse, ramping up to a peak flow of 1,000 cfs over an approximate two-hour period.
Whitewater Release Travel Time Matrix
Release Time | Indian Bar Rafter Access | OXB Gage | Fords Bar | Ruck-a-Chucky | Poverty Bar | Mammoth Bar | Confluence | Birdsall | Oregon Bar Access |
12:00 AM | 12:00 AM | 12:30 AM | 4:04 AM | 6:03 AM | 7:13 AM | 8:53 AM | 9:44 AM | 11:12 AM | 11:52 AM |
2:00 AM | 2:00 AM | 2:30 AM | 6:04 AM | 8:03 AM | 9:13 AM | 10:53 AM | 11:44 AM | 1:12 PM | 1:52 PM |
4:00 AM | 4:00 AM | 4:30 AM | 8:04 AM | 10:03 AM | 11:13 AM | 12:53 PM | 1:44 PM | 3:12 PM | 3:52 PM |
6:00 AM | 6:00 AM | 6:30 AM | 10:04 AM | 12:03 PM | 1:13 PM | 2:53 PM | 3:44 PM | 5:12 PM | 5:52 PM |
8:00 AM | 8:00 AM | 8:30 AM | 12:04 PM | 2:03 PM | 3:13 PM | 4:53 PM | 5:44 PM | 7:12 PM | 7:52 PM |
10:00 AM | 10:00 AM | 10:30 AM | 2:04 PM | 4:03 PM | 5:13 PM | 6:53 PM | 7:44 PM | 9:12 PM | 9:52 PM |
11:00 AM | 11:00 AM | 11:30 AM | 3:04 PM | 5:03 PM | 6:13 PM | 7:53 PM | 8:44 PM | 10:12 PM | 10:52 PM |
12:00 PM | 12:00 PM | 2:04 PM | 4:04 PM | 6:03 PM | 7:13 PM | 8:53 PM | 9:44 PM | 11:12 PM | 11:52 PM |
2:00 PM | 2:00 PM | 2:30 PM | 6:04 PM | 8:03 PM | 9:13 PM | 10:53 PM | 11:44 PM | 1:12 AM | 1:52 AM |
4:00 PM | 4:00 PM | 4:30 PM | 8:04 PM | 10:03 PM | 11:13 PM | 12:53 AM | 1:44 AM | 3:12 AM | 3:52 AM |
6:00 PM | 6:00 PM | 6:30 PM | 10:04 PM | 12:03 AM | 1:13 AM | 2:53 AM | 3:44 AM | 5:12 AM | 5:52 AM |
8:00 PM | 8:00 PM | 8:30 PM | 12:04 AM | 2:03 AM | 3:13 AM | 4:53 AM | 5:44 AM | 7:12 AM | 7:52 AM |
10:00 PM | 10:00 PM | 10:30 PM | 2:04 AM | 4:03 AM | 5:13 AM | 6:53 AM | 7:44 AM | 9:12 AM | 9:52 AM |
12:00 AM | 12:00 AM | 12:30 AM | 4:04 AM | 6:03 AM | 7:13 AM | 8:53 AM | 9:44 AM | 11:12 AM | 11:52 AM |
Distance | 0 | 1.25 | 10.15 | 15.13 | 18.05 | 22.2 | 24.35 | 28.0 | 29.65 |
Travel Time (hour:min) | 0 | 0:30 | 4:04 | 6:03 | 7:13 | 8:53 | 9:44 | 11:12 | 11:52 |
Oxbow Powerhouse Daily Flow Schedule
PCWA publishes a daily schedule to manage water resources (e.g. maintain environmental flow requirements, water deliveries and recreation activities) to optimize energy production to the electric grid.
The schedule will become null and void if there is a change in the CAISO energy scheduling rules or protocols that dictate altered scheduling practices by generation asset owners. These schedules are subject to change based on:
- Electrical demand and market conditions
- Changes in inflow to Ralston Afterbay due to project operations
- CAISO instructions
- Weather events
- Unforeseen events that affect energy production or energy dispatch planning
Users should use the information on this website with caution and do so at their own risk. The Placer County Water Agency accepts no liability for the accuracy, availability, suitability, reliability, usability, completeness or timeliness of the data or graphical depictions rendered from the data. The information on this website consists of estimates of stream flow and reservoir levels based on field instrumentation. Actual stream flows may vary significantly from the estimates provided. Many factors affect stream flows and reservoir levels, including weather, snowmelt runoff, and the operating requirements of the hydro project. Reservoir and river recreation can be hazardous. Users have the sole responsibility to determine whether conditions are safe to enter the water, and they thereby assume full risk of serious bodily injury and/or death.
Note Regarding Units - All river stage heights and reservoir elevations are in Feet. All river flow values are in Cubic Feet Per Second (CFS). All reservoir storage values are in Acre Feet.
Oxbow Day Ahead Flow Schedule
Time | Flow (cfs) |